Sunday, January 27, 2013


Sundays are always a day we look forward to. We get to go to church, come home and take a nice Sunday nap, and then we go to my Grandmas and cook her dinner and spend time with her. Lately, my Mom as been living with her and taking care of her so it is a time we get to spend with them together. We always have such good uplifting conversations. Also, its a day I get to serve them. My Grandma is such a strong lady, and my Mom has kind of been having a lot going on. With working full time its hard to sometimes be with her. I just love being able to serve her and help her out this one day.

Another thing I love about Sundays (and every other day) is spending time with Nathan. It seems like we always end up laying in bed just laughing historically talking. We have no distractions or plans and we get to just be together. Today was especially one of those days where we were just cracking each other up.

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