Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Lame V-Day

Me and Nathan win the award for lamest couple on Valentine's Day. I don't know what was wrong with us this year but we just weren't feeling it. Maybe its because we have so much other stuff on our mind. We literally had to force ourselves to go out to dinner and a movie. No crazy romance this year...hopefully next year we won't be such bums.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Lazy Sunday

If you know me, you know that I am a clean freak. I can never relax if I know the house is a mess or there are dishes in the sink. Our apartment isn't very big so its easy to clean but then again it gets messy again so fast. Yesterday, I was so tired it didn't phase me how dirty our apartment was. Me and Nathan got home from my sisters house and literally laid in bed the whole day watching movies. We didn't clean or pick up after ourselves. It was actually kind of fun. Everyone talks about "I can't wait to lay in bed all day with my husband when I get married." We have never done that, we are always busy doing something. 

It was so refreshing to just hang out and lay in bed all day, not worrying about how messy our apartment was. I have a feeling it will be a memory we will always have. 

However, I will be making up for it today. I will be doing dishes (it may not look a lot in this picture but there are more than that!), putting away laundry and picking up. Totally worth it though, and I am sure Nathan loved having a day of not picking up after ourselves.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Cutest story behind this picture...Since everything has happened with Hunter, Nathan has been a little hesitant when it comes to babies, which is totally explainable. On Sunday we went to see my nephew Carson's baby blessing. As I was holding him during Sacrament meeting Nathan, out of no where, asks to hold him. Right when Nathan started to hold him Carson would not stop staring up at Nathan with the biggest smile. It lasted for quite and while and it was the cutest thing. Nathan loved it and would not give him up.

It just amazes me how the Lord knows exactly what to give us when we need it. As the due date is getting closer it gets a little harder. We defiantly still have our sad days. I just really can't wait for the day we can actually start our family.

Monday, February 6, 2012

busy sunday

Yesterday my nephew got his baby blessing and my other nephew Trey got baptized. So my whole family went to my sister's ward for the baptism and blessing.

After the baptism we had to rush home because we were having friends over to watch the Super Bowl. If you live with Nathan there is no option to whether or not to watch it. It was actually a lot of fun and we had tons of junk food. My stomach was killing by the end of the night.

this explains how nathan was the whole night

Saturday, February 4, 2012

baby shower

Today I went to my sister Jennifer's baby shower. Since I work all the time I don't get to get together with my sisters very often so it was nice to have "sister time" today. She is pregnant with her 6th child, and 5th boy. Doesn't she look great? Can't wait to meet the little guy.

In other news...the boys were so close to winning this Thursday. It was their best game by far. I think it has to do with me and Courtney yelling from the side lines telling them what to do. We can be a little obnoxious and get way to into it. We just can't help ourselves. They say they love our coaching but we will see how long that lasts! Funny story...every time Nathan gets the ball he has a habit of looking at me to make sure I am watching or yelling for him. He was on a fast break and looked over to make sure I was watching and totally traveled and missed the lay up. I wish I had it on camera. It was hilarious! He is so cute.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

over due

I have been horrible at updating our blog. I just haven't been taking my camera with me a bunch of places and nothing too exciting has been going on.

We have a new calling in church. We teach the sunbeams together and we love it. The kids are hilarious and its fun teaching together again.

Nathan has started church ball. They play every Thursday night. Umm... I would not be the only person to say that their team is not very good. They haven't won one game, its pretty funny. So hopefully tonight they will not lose by more than 20.

Last night we finally cut off all of Nathan's curls. I almost shed a tear. It was just starting to look a little too crazy, more like an afro.